Doing well, as well as doing good examines the financial argument for investing in businesses that manage their environmental and social risks. It is no surprise that companies with a strong sustainability ethos do indeed gain advantages from a good reputation, a strong brand, loyal customers and staff motivated by a strong vision.
The present environment is not one for complacency. Companies will need a clear strategy to navigate an environment which has seen such disruption. There is also the broader and even more challenging spectre of climate change which has been knocked off the front pages, but will continue challenge us. Its impact may not be so evident in our day to day lives, but cumulatively it is going to be even more challenging unless we make the meaningful changes required. The response to the Covid-19 outbreak has given us a taste of the benefits that we can make to our environment by changing our ways. Consume less, focus on quality and invest in businesses with a strong sustainability track record.